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  CATEGORY: Tethers Harness & Safety Lines
  PRICE: $50.00 to $100.00
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Tethers Harness & Safety Lines

Regarding Safety Line Tethers, please note;

The British Marine Accident Investigation Bureau (MAIB) posted a Safety Bulletin regarding jackstay and clipping systems used onboard a yacht and the interaction with safety line tethers following a fatality during the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.

The advice is relevant to users of most systems at sea today. To prevent the strength of a safety harness tether from becoming compromised in-service due to lateral loading on the tether hook, the method used to anchor the end of the tether to the vessel should be arranged to ensure that the tether hook cannot become entangled with deck fittings or other equipment.

The safety line hook must be free to rotate to align with the load. LATERAL LOADING OF THE HOOK MUST BE AVOIDED.
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