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EPIRBs & Personal Locator Beacons

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EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons) are tracking transmitters which aid in the detection and location of boats, aircraft, and people in distress.

New IMO SOLAS rules, which came into force on July 1, 2022, require manufacturers to fit all new EPIRB models with an internal AIS locating signal and an internal GNSS receiver, along with the 406MHz and 121.5MHz transmitters.

A PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) is one type of EPIRB that is typically smaller, has a shorter battery life and is registered to a person rather than a vessel. PLBs are usually attached to a person, whereas a regular EPIRB is usually attached to a vessel.

EPIRB transmissions are monitored by the international organization COSPAS-SARSAT using a constellation of satellites. On receipt of an alert from an EPIRB, the identity of the beacon is passed to the relevant national rescue coordination centre.

All EPIRBs are required to be registered in Canada (at no cost) with the Canadian Beacon Registry (CBR).

For more information, please refer to their website, The Beacon Registry provides location data to the Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities. All EPIRBs and PLBs sold on are programmed for Canada, so you can register them with the CBR. It is as simple as completing the form that comes with the EPIRB and mailing it to the CBR. 
The 406 MHz beacons can be used anywhere in the world. They just require a clear view of the sky.

What is the difference between a Category I (Cat I) and a Category II (Cat 2) EPIRB?

The only difference is regarding how the EPIRB is deployed. A Cat I EPIRB deploys automatically from a hydrostatic Automatic Release Bracket when a vessel sinks. The beacon floats free at a depth of 5 to 13ft. The EPIRB can be manually activated while in its bracket or manually removed and activated.

A Cat II EPIRB is deployed manually. The EPIRB will automatically activate when removed from its bracket and comes in contact with water or when it is still in its bracket but a person has lifted the switch to the activation position.

If you accidentally activate the EPIRB, don't panic. As long as it was a genuine mistake and not deliberate, you have nothing to worry about; however, you must turn off your Beacon and contact the emergency services as quickly as possible to let them know your transmissions are a False Alert.
ACR Globalfix+iPro

Two of the most popular brands of EPIRB are ACR Electronics of the USA and Ocean Signal of Great Britain. has a wide selection of EPIRBs and PLBs from these trusted manufacturers. Whether you are a recreational boater or a commercial fisher, we have a unit to serve your needs. The Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1 is the world's smallest PLB, which fits easily into a life jacket, has a 24+ hour operational life and a seven-year battery life and warranty.